Frequently Asked Question
FRM220-NMC-R3 Forgot Password
Last Updated 4 years ago
For security reasons, NMC does not have a default or backdoor password. We have a special 'recovery' firmware, which when applied will clear the EEPROM contents where the password is stored. After flashing the recovery firmware and rebooting, the device then needs to be flashed with the regular firmware.
All of this must be done locally, through serial console, and the flashing done from bootloader (as the normal kernel cannot be accessed to do online upgrade when you cannot login).
Grab both the password reset and your current NMC-R3 version files. Unzip them. Follow the recovery instructions from the recovery zip. After password is cleared, follow the "Engineer's" upgrade procedure to get the NMC back to regular firmware in the upgrade package zip.
All of this must be done locally, through serial console, and the flashing done from bootloader (as the normal kernel cannot be accessed to do online upgrade when you cannot login).
Grab both the password reset and your current NMC-R3 version files. Unzip them. Follow the recovery instructions from the recovery zip. After password is cleared, follow the "Engineer's" upgrade procedure to get the NMC back to regular firmware in the upgrade package zip.